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Jack R. Crewse III

Postdoctoral Appointee
Center for Nanoscale Materials
Argonne National Laboratory

Oak Park, IL
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Curriculum Vitae

Professional Interests

My career has been characterized by a synergy between my fascination with the laws of nature and the computing technology that has allowed us to better understand them. My doctoral dissertation investigated the effects of disorder on superconductor-insulator transitions and explored the condensed matter equivalent of the Higgs Boson in superfluids via high-performance quantum Monte Carlo simulations. During a stint with a research group at the University of Regensburg, I developed simulations of the light-matter interaction of terahertz lasers with topological materials. Currently, as a postdoctoral researcher, I utilize the plethora of high-performance computing resources at Argonne to simulate the optical properties of innovative nanostructures with helical symmetry, utilizing density-functional theory techniques.